In this one of a kind CreativeMorning, we are going to be shaking things up to match these disruptive times and bringing the CM_Dubai community together for coffee, inspiration, support and a lot of love and all from your own home.
In this #cmpurpose virtual morning meet-up, we will have several speakers from the CM community sharing and a virtual taxi full of amazing local creative talent coming together weaving their stories, insight, and inspiration into a morning brain spa.
And, most importantly there is you.
Our speakers so far are Kiran Sajwani, well known in CM circles for her Jamming; Randah Taher, the maverick of creativity, business, and colour combinations; James Piecowye, best known for Hawaiian shirts and electric energy; and Leen Sadder a designer, founder and connector in the Dubai creative community.
The morning will be facilitated by members of the CM_Dubai team who can’t wait to welcome you in.