“Music is the moonlight in the gloomy night of life.”
Remember live concerts? It is hard to believe that a year has passed since life felt, well, normal. A year ago this very evening, when the world still felt normal I saw a-ha for my 6th. After seeing the chaps in Leeds, New York and Los Angeles, I got to see them here in Dubai and took my eldest son to his first ever concert. I can’t wait for life to allow for these precious moments total place again.
I remember carefree evenings with friends where the only concern was how tired one might feel the following morning. We aren’t getting any younger, and yet it seems that over the past year we have all aged too quickly in so many different ways. I remain hopeful however that we will find a new footing, that the ongoing vaccine development and delivery will begin to make in-roads against this terrible pandemic and that we will be able to start to live our lives in a more secure future. Yes, the new normal will be different, and the new normal may mean permanent changes to how we live our lives. I remain hopeful that the new normal will allow for us all to enjoy live music, lost moments and more. I am also hopeful that the live music scene will find a way to bounce back.