As a young boy growing up in Leeds, England, I was caught in the spell of America from a very young age. During my life, I have been fortunate to live and explore many parts of the world. Last year, I became a US citizen. I am proud of my dual citizenship, but at times fearful for the world we have made. During this difficult time for not only America but the world, I reminded of the speech given by Bono at Georgetown University in 2014.
“America is ‘an idea.’ That’s how we see you around the world, as one of the greatest ideas in human history” - Bono
This 4th of July I am hopeful that we the people will find ways to work together on important, impactful ideas that we can turn into reality. It is high time to right the ship, a ship filled with tired, poor and huddled masses. It is time to focus on finding ways to offer health, happiness and prosperity for all. It is time to empower those yearning to breathe free, to support those who have for so long been cast aside. It is high time we lived in a world not just for the few, but the many.